Botía and Mina Ryten from the Ryten Lab but many people contributed in some way including Jana Vandrovcova, Mar Matarin, Paola Forabosco, Conceisao Bettencourt, Seb Guelfi, Sonia García-Ruiz. if non-zero, the underlying C function will print some diagnostics.
these can be sped up by installing a fast BLAS and making R use it. (which currently includes Linux and Mac OSX, but excludes Windows). Co-expression network creation is leaded by Juan A. WGCNA (version 1.70-3) bicor: Biweight Midcorrelation. The development of this suite of packages is leaded by Juan A. In the meantime, you can access the tutorials in the package. Devtools ::install_github( 'juanbot/CoExpNets ')Īnd that will be all. The way I sort it out is, if I can't install a given package because of dependencies that are only available in source and that I can't get to install successfully, I go to the CRAN page of the package (devtools for you), go archive and download the latest old packages, and install them from file from recent to older until it works.